#准备工作 useradd test //先创建用户 id test //检查 echo 123456|passwd --stdin test //非交互式设置密码 su - test whoami #开始部署 A(中心服务器): ssh-keygen -t dsa //生成密钥 ,一路回车 ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_dsa.pub "-p 22 test@" //分发公钥 #验证 ssh -p22 test@ ssh -p22 test@ /sbin/ifconfig #脚本批量分发 for n in 8 9 do scp -P22 $1 192.168.1.$n:~ done fenfa.sh sh fenfa.sh /etc/a.txt
#!/bin/sh file="$1" remotedir="$2" . /etc/init.d/functions if [$# -ne 2] then echo "USAGE:/bin/sh $0 arg1 arg2" exit 1 fi for n in 10 11 12 13 14 15 do scp -p22 -rp $file qinzc@192.168.1.$n:$remotedir>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then action "scp $file to $remotedir is ok" /bin/true else action "scp $file to $remotedir is fail" /bin/false fi done
#!/bin/sh . /etc/init.d/functions if [$# -ne 1] then echo "USAGE:/bin/sh $0 arg1 " exit 1 fi for n in 10 11 12 13 14 15 do ssh -p22 qinzc@192.168.1.$n $1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then action "======================== ok =======================" /bin/true else action "======================== fail =======================" /bin/false fi done
#方法1 在 visudo 增加 cp 的使用权限 test ALL=(All) NOPASSWD: /bin/cp sudo -l //测试是否已拥有root 使用cp 的权限 visudo -c //测试解析是否正确 ============================================================================================== #!/bin/sh file="$1" remotedir="$2" . /etc/init.d/functions if [$# -ne 2] //-ne 不等于 then echo "USAGE:/bin/sh $0 arg1 arg2" exit 1 fi for n in 8 9 do scp -p22 -rp $file test@10.10.0.$n:~>/dev/null 2>&1 &&\ // 这行成功执行下一行 scp -p22 -t test@10.10.0.$n sudo /bin/cp ~/$file $remotedir >&>/dev/null if [ $? -wq 0 ] //判断前边是否执行正确 then action "scp $file to $remotedir is ok" /bin/true else action "scp $file to $remotedir is fail" /bin/false fi done
#方法2 所有机器root权限下增加命令的SUID chmod 4755 /usr/bin/rsync // 4表示增加此命令SUID ============================================================================================== #!/bin/sh file="$1" remotedir="$2" . /etc/init.d/functions if [$# -ne 2] //-ne 不等于 then echo "USAGE:/bin/sh $0 arg1 arg2" exit 1 fi for n in 8 9 do ssh -p22 -rp $file test@10.10.0.$n:~>/dev/null 2>&1 &&\ // 这行成功执行下一行 ssh -p22 test@10.10.0.$n /usr/bin/rsync ~/$file $remotedir >&>/dev/null if [ $? -wq 0 ] //判断前边是否执行正确 then action "scp $file to $remotedir is ok" /bin/true else action "scp $file to $remotedir is fail" /bin/false fi done
Expect 非交互批量分发,脚本
#!/usr/bin/expect if { $argc !=2} { send_user "usage: expect expect.exp file host\n " exit } set file [lindex $argv 0] set host [lindex $argv 1] set password "666666" spawn ssh-copy-id -i $file "-p 22 root@$host" expect { "yes/no" {send "yes\r";exp_continue} "*password" {send "$password\r"} } expect eof exit -onexit { send_user "Oldboy say good bye to you!\n" } #script usage #expect oldboy-6.exp file host dir #example #./oldboy-6.exp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts
#!/bin/sh . /etc/init.d/functions for ip in 10 11 15 16 do expect expect.exp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub 192.168.1.$ip done